Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How TrailBlazing Has Made Its Way Into Loudoun County

How TrailBlazing Has Made Its Way Into Loudoun County

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kettlebell Tabata Thruster Workout

kettlebell tabata thrusterOK, this working is very complicated…below is the formula:

Kettlebell + Tabata Method +Thrusters = 1 hell of a workout

1 part kettlebell is easy right? I hope so…so let’s go straight to the Tabata Method variable. The Tabata Method is named after a Japanese researcher who found an interesting way to combine aerobic and anaerobic at the same time. The method is simply taking 1 exercise and performing the following over a 4 minute period: - 20 seconds (maximum reps) - 10 seconds (rest) - Repeat 7 more times for a total of 4 minutes.

This is a simple and effective workout that will make it hard not to do a faceplant against the floor. Tabata works for a lot of exercises but we are focusing on kettlebells. The best exercise for this method is a thruster. Take two kettlebells in rack position and squat down keeping the bells in the rack position. As you rise from the squat, press the bell over your head and then return to rack position and repeat.

I’ve done this workout with double 20 kg bells and I had a hard time the last 3 sets actually gripping and completing a rep. This is a workout that will challenge your manhood (even if you are a woman). Below is a quick video of the 1 arm thruster in motion… Proceed at your own risk!

Why Invest In Dragondoor Kettlebells?

You might have come to this site to figure out why you should pay more for a dragondoor kettlebell than the others on the market today.

Well, I can tell you that the few extra bucks that you will spend on the Dragondoor Kettlebells will be well worth the investment. I’ve purchased some other branded kettlebells in the past and I can tell you there is a definite difference in the quality. When I mean quality I really mean the grip on the handle. If you are not using a dragondoor kettlebell, you will completely destroy your hands when you are swinging and snatching the bell. Its like night and day when you compare the kettlebell handles and grip! Your hands will thank you….

Below are a few reasons why I think Dragondoor Kettlebells are worth the investment:

- If you purchase a dragondoor kettlebell thru dragondoor.com, you can get a free lesson with a local RKC. - Dragondoor kettlebells do NOT use welding to connect the handle to the bell – you could potentially run into some major safety issues if the bell ever parted ways with the handle. Eye opening video from the Iron Tamer..   - The handle and the grip on the dragondoor kettlebells is second to none. You will not tear up your hands when using DD bells compared to the competition. This is hugely important if you are training for the actual RKC and can’t waste time waiting for your hands to heal. See below video from the Iron Tamer...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Pavel, The Founder of the Modern Kettlebell Movement

RKC Kettlebell Swing

RKC Kettlebell SwingI want to stress the importance of safety while kettlebell training – make sure that your space is clear of options and other people (especially children).

You might be wondering what is so great about the kettlebell swing? Here are a few benefits of the RKC kettlebell swing

  1. Develops powerful hips
  2. Strengthens the lower back
  3. Fat Burner
  4. All around sports conditioning
Performing a proper RKC kettlebell swing is very important to help reduce injuries and maximize the training. When performing the swing please make sure your technique is in synch: - Keep your back flat and eyes on the horizon - Feet solidly planted to the floor - Shoulders are packed and arms straight thru the swing - Keep the kettlebell handle above the knee as it passes thru the legs on the backswing - At the top of the swing,
  • Body should form a straight line (almost like a standing plank) with a neutral spine
  • Kettlebell should form a straight line with the arms
  • Abs and glutes contracted
Below is a quick video of a proper RKC kettlebell swing

The Russian RKC Kettlebell – A Ruthless Handheld Gym

Russian RKC KettlebellWhat can a kettlebell do for you?  Well, the Russian Kettlebell is simply an extreme personal gym in your hands that you can carry with you everywhere.

Why RKC Kettlebells?

-          Develops all-purpose strength that will help you easily handle the toughest, unexpected demands
-          Helps amplify resilience to repel the hardest hist
-          Maximizes your overall conditioning and staying power
-          Combines the best of strength and flexibility
-          Shreds fat without dieting
-          Armor building – forges a fighter’s physique
-          You can get strong anywhere, anytime – your own personal handheld gym
The RKC Kettlebell – What Makes This Unique
The compact size of the kettlebell allows one to accelerate it on the way down in exercises like swings and snatches.  There is growing research that this force that the kettlebell produces is very effective, proficient, and safe at improving your overall fitness including fat loss, endurance, and muscle building.
Why RKC Kettlebells?  Well....below is a great video from Dragondoor ( the authority in all things kettlebells)....enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Top 5 Things To Consider Before Buying A Kettlebell

When I first started using kettlebells years ago, I didn't believe there was a real difference between the different manufacturers of the kettlebell.

Well, after a few rounds of some snatches and getting my hands tore up real bad, I knew better.  In a matter of 4-5 minutes I had formed 3 blisters on my right hand a another blister on my left hand.  They were quite painful.  The real frustrating aspect of getting your hands tore up is that you really are inhibiting your training using kettlebells until your hands heal.

I realized then that the brand of kettlebell does make a difference.  I know use Dragondoor kettlebells for all of my workouts and my hands have thanked me. 

Below are the top 5 considerations when purchasing a kettlebell:

1. The Finish – if you have ever handled a kettlebell you know that the finish is key to a good grip and getting the most out of our workout.  The Dragondoor kettlebell grip is the best.  I’ve used inferior kettlebells and have had major problems including having the kettlebell slip and having blisters form on the hand faster than normal.

2.  Customer Support – the Dragondoor support is second to none and the team is there to answer any questions/concerns that you have.  I am a stickler for customer service so I appreciate folks that are on top of their game and that is very true for Dragondoo.

3.   Ability to get a FREE lesson with an RKC Instructor – when you purchase a kettlebell thru Dragondoor – you now have the opportunity to get a free lesson with a certified RKC instructor.  What a great program to help kickstart your training.  The RKC instructor is the top of the line of kettlebell instructors so you know when you are working with them you are getting just the top notch instruction.

4.  Safety - did you know that most kettlebells made are made in two pieces (the bell and then the handle are welded together).  This is very unsafe if something ever happens to one of the welds.  With Dragondoor kettlebells, they are created as 1 solid piece so you never have to worry about doing a kettlebell swing and the bowling ball rolling away!

5.  The Finish - The Dragondoor kettlebells have an excellent finish & 5 year warranty on the E-coating.  They look great and have an excellent finish. It is e-coated to prevent rust. This magnetized coating is what they used in ship hulls to prevent rust and damage. Now you can imagine how tough this Dragon Door made Military Grade kettlebell is.