Friday, June 8, 2012

Kettlebell Tabata Thruster Workout

kettlebell tabata thrusterOK, this working is very complicated…below is the formula:

Kettlebell + Tabata Method +Thrusters = 1 hell of a workout

1 part kettlebell is easy right? I hope so…so let’s go straight to the Tabata Method variable. The Tabata Method is named after a Japanese researcher who found an interesting way to combine aerobic and anaerobic at the same time. The method is simply taking 1 exercise and performing the following over a 4 minute period: - 20 seconds (maximum reps) - 10 seconds (rest) - Repeat 7 more times for a total of 4 minutes.

This is a simple and effective workout that will make it hard not to do a faceplant against the floor. Tabata works for a lot of exercises but we are focusing on kettlebells. The best exercise for this method is a thruster. Take two kettlebells in rack position and squat down keeping the bells in the rack position. As you rise from the squat, press the bell over your head and then return to rack position and repeat.

I’ve done this workout with double 20 kg bells and I had a hard time the last 3 sets actually gripping and completing a rep. This is a workout that will challenge your manhood (even if you are a woman). Below is a quick video of the 1 arm thruster in motion… Proceed at your own risk!

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